Monday, October 29, 2007

I have a hole in my body

Let's start off by saying I am having a good day. I have had two crappy things happen though. A filling fell out of my back molar this morning while I was eating spaghettios. Spaghettios you say? Yes, spaghettios. I now have a hole in my mouth. Holes pretty much anywhere in my body gross me out, except I like my vagina, ok, I like all of the holes that God intended to be there, but not man made ones. Sick, top it off, the only temporary filling left at Rite Aid is cherry flavor.
The neighbor just stopped over to borrow some milk. I am sober. I reach into the pantry to get him a cup and wham, whack my cheek on the door frame. OUCH. It really smarts, but I guess I do not have much smarts.

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