Thursday, April 03, 2008


I watched a Montiel show one day with Sylvia Brown. I have always liked her. I think God has blessed certain people with abilities more in tune to souls than others. How else would you explain my family, they are just not in tune to souls? Digression anyway. So, Sylvia was speaking of a woman who say butterflies and she said that was the woman's deceased (insert here) aunt, mother, sister, friend, brother, dad.....A consequence of watching this show is that when I see butterflies, I think of my Grandma and her being around me. Mind you, that is not the only time I think of her, but that brings it up every time. Today I drove Byron to Fillmore to pick out boulders for a job. We took the kids and a neighbor boy. We did not have clear directions. I do not like the 126. I looked down and there was a dead butterfly stuck in my wind shield wiper. What the fuck does that mean cosmically?

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