Thursday, February 14, 2008


I teach tolerance to children every day. I try and practice tolerance in myself. I am intolerant though, why do I get so pissed off when I see ignorant, up tight, racist, stupid, moronic, judgmental, hateful, close minded, yes, INTOLERANT people. It makes me so fucking sad to know that people are so fucking stupid. I teach tolerance, therefore, I should have some....I work hard to accept everyone and look for good qualities within them. I just can not do it with stupidity though. I think the only way I function not pissed off all of the time at the idiots of the world, is I block the memory that they exist from my mind.
I need to stop reading Craigslist that is for damn sure.

1 comment:

Monkey loves Kitten said...

What craziness is on Craigslist? I need to check that out.

You're experiencing something very common. The conundrum of the righteous. ;)