Tuesday, October 17, 2006


The kids are in bed and hopefully sleeping! I already have everything completed for my night and now I have found something else for me to do. This I like though. I even got in a nap today. Byron came home very early and took the kids to the beach with the dog. I laid on my bed all but 15 minutes of the entire time they were gone. It felt so good. I think considering that I did not sleep from about 7 am on Saturday until 10 pm on Sunday, I really needed it.
Here I am back to the old crap. I am too old to stay up all night. I did it, I had a lot, A LOT of fun doing it, but I am paying for it. My nose is not snotty yet, but my throat has been sore since. I have popped more vitamins in the last two days than in the last few months in the hopes that I can stave off this "lack of bodily care" induced sickness. It seems to be working though, knock on wood. The sore throat is usually already into the head cold by now if it is coming.
Oh yeah, the all nighter....my friend had a birthday party in Malibu Lake this weekend. It was at a beautiful house with a large pool and a fun hot tub in the rock landscape. Four bands played, friends with restaurants catered, friends that run fishing businesses brought fresh fish, and we danced, and danced, and talked, and swam, and laughed our asses off (ok, mine will take more than one night of laughing, but it is just an expression). The keg for some reason did not last very long. It is a good thing I am very educated on these matters and had stocked a cooler that was locked in a truck with beer for such emergencies. I believe I slowed down in between 4-6 a.m. until we headed to the grocery store for breakfast and Bloody Mary mix. At that point we all formed a team and are now talking about what our t-shirts will look like. We decided on green with the number 28 on them. Zack (my friend and neighbor) knows and explained about the number, but I do not remember the significance. I am not sure either of the significance of the team itself, but it was sounding fun at the time. One of the bands, Zippy Josh, left their lead singer and guitar player at the party the night before, so we all had the pleasure of laying around for a few more hours listening to Josh play. Zippy Josh is on myspace if you want to check them out. It was weird waking up on Monday and not having any music around. Josh put down his guitar for only about 1.5 hours all day, to eat, use the restroom and get in the hot tub again. Hot tubs are the best when you are aching.
OK, they are not sleeping. They have been up a few times now. I let Byron decide how to put them to bed and here they are up a half hour late. Molly had no nap today either and they both have school early in the morning. I looked up the damn sleep guidelines for children (obviously, I know they do not apply to me, based on my behavior) and it said that kids 2-12 need 11-12 hours per day in order to function well. I need them sleeping that long too in order to function well.
Crappy to say, but one of the best things about this weekend is I was on my own. I did not have to deal one moment with the ass. I know there used to be a time when we agreed on at least sex, since we have two kids, but now there is nothing at all we agree on.
I am hitting a bitter stage again, I think because I would like to be less lonely in the adult realm. I have my few close girlfriends, but did I mention sex. My imagination is not as good as it takes to go this long by myself. I never thought that I was a sex crazed person, but I guess that was because I was not a sex deprived person. It is making me even more grumpy than usual. Let's add to that the not drinking wine whenever I want to and I am becoming a big bitch. I think whatever it was I used to smoke also helped me in the bitch department. I still feel that I am winning the war though since most of my bitchiness is kept in my head, when more comes out that stays in happens, then I will really worry. I am trying to use the word bitch or some variation of it as much as I can, but I am running out of ideas and thinking about TV.

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