Wednesday, September 20, 2006


If only I could figure out the truths of my life. I find myself doing more and more things to get away from it now. I spent all summer on self reflection and now I am throwing myself into outside endeavors. Good or bad? Both I think. I was too depressed seeing inside my head all of the time, now I am not depressed about seeing inside my head, and am looking to accomplish things in the world, looking around the world depresses me. It is tough having higher reasoning. My kitties have it so much easier. They are having gender identity issues though now. I found out yesterday after taking them to be spayed, that they needed to actually be neutered. Oops, I don't look between their legs. I just took the word of the person who gave them to me. Their names are sticking though, Johnny Cash had a boy named Sue, so why can't we.

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