Friday, December 26, 2008

No Dad vs. Crappy Dad

My wish list was difficult for me to figure out this year. The jury is still out. I am leaning toward none.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pay It Forward

Thank you Secret Santa for the gift cards, you rock.....Connor and Molly and I are hitting the streets this week (actually, most of the time when we get out, every week), to make random people's days better. We will continue to live up to your example Santa.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Pat on the Back

Byron is having BIG issues with me. He said he spoke with a professional (I do not know what kind, hooker, I assume) and was told he no longer had to speak with me. What??? We are raising two kids and dealing with crazy scheduling, never speak again. So, he was supposed to have the kids today, but refused to call me to talk about it. He text me that some guy Molly rarely sees, that has not held a job in years and lives in a van smoking weed all day would pick Molly up here at noon today. Uhhhmmmm......FUCK NO. Then, a woman who watches Molly for Byron came up to me at school this morning and said she would get Molly from my house at noon today......uhhhmmmmm......not a FUCK NO, but no, sorry, I do not mean to be offensive, but I will keep her with me until Byron decides to call and let me know what is going on. I do not know legally what the deal is, I probably can not do what I am doing, who knows. I am doing it though because I have every right to know where my kids are, and if they are with someone other than their parent, I also have every right to speak with them when I want to on the phone when they are not with me, and Byron will not answer the phone, nor tell them I called. This is a kind of oversimplified explanation also, it is a control issue between us. He refuses to speak with me, I refuse to hear anything but speaking from him. He called the school and told them he would bring the custody papers by, I emailed them right over when I got home tonight. What is the school going to do arrest me if I come to get my kids? Give me a break. I may be painting myself into a corner. I need a break, I have so much work, but I also have two kids that do not need his bullshit anymore than I do.
As for the pat on the back, my boy's teacher said she definitly notices a difference in him, his participation and behavior when he has been with me. That's because I get him some sleep and feed him more than cup o noodles and doughnuts. Ok, that is definitly not all, but you get my point.