Friday, December 26, 2008

No Dad vs. Crappy Dad

My wish list was difficult for me to figure out this year. The jury is still out. I am leaning toward none.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pay It Forward

Thank you Secret Santa for the gift cards, you rock.....Connor and Molly and I are hitting the streets this week (actually, most of the time when we get out, every week), to make random people's days better. We will continue to live up to your example Santa.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Pat on the Back

Byron is having BIG issues with me. He said he spoke with a professional (I do not know what kind, hooker, I assume) and was told he no longer had to speak with me. What??? We are raising two kids and dealing with crazy scheduling, never speak again. So, he was supposed to have the kids today, but refused to call me to talk about it. He text me that some guy Molly rarely sees, that has not held a job in years and lives in a van smoking weed all day would pick Molly up here at noon today. Uhhhmmmm......FUCK NO. Then, a woman who watches Molly for Byron came up to me at school this morning and said she would get Molly from my house at noon today......uhhhmmmmm......not a FUCK NO, but no, sorry, I do not mean to be offensive, but I will keep her with me until Byron decides to call and let me know what is going on. I do not know legally what the deal is, I probably can not do what I am doing, who knows. I am doing it though because I have every right to know where my kids are, and if they are with someone other than their parent, I also have every right to speak with them when I want to on the phone when they are not with me, and Byron will not answer the phone, nor tell them I called. This is a kind of oversimplified explanation also, it is a control issue between us. He refuses to speak with me, I refuse to hear anything but speaking from him. He called the school and told them he would bring the custody papers by, I emailed them right over when I got home tonight. What is the school going to do arrest me if I come to get my kids? Give me a break. I may be painting myself into a corner. I need a break, I have so much work, but I also have two kids that do not need his bullshit anymore than I do.
As for the pat on the back, my boy's teacher said she definitly notices a difference in him, his participation and behavior when he has been with me. That's because I get him some sleep and feed him more than cup o noodles and doughnuts. Ok, that is definitly not all, but you get my point.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ahhh, the sweet rain.....I love the wetness, the benefits, the sounds, the feel, rain is absolutely a good thing. It is so erotic at times. It makes me miss Washington for a brief, very brief moment. Take is slow and easy people while traveling.
Today, as everyday, I am remembering and thinking about my blessings. Who needs Thanksgiving except for the day off and the mashed potatoes? I am so looking forward to having wonderful people in my home. It is invigorating, like the rain.....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pro Life

Maybe it is because conversations around me turn to spirituality a lot (which I still consider random or maybe not really), but I have had a few conversations with more people than usual about biology, Darwinism, etc. Here is my question for anyone who is a non believer in a higher power or has pondered non believing....

Hope, where does is actually come from? What does a person that is not spiritually based use to derive hope?

Any ideas?

I also think I have seasonal affective disorder when it comes to writing, the winter makes me feel prolific.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Moving On

What the heck is dating? I am not so certain. I also do not understand why there has to be some sort of goal, some master plan.......
Can you date someone who is not "The One" for you? What is the rationale behind dating for fun?
My friends, I went out and tried it again after a year. I "dated" someone. What did I like? The company, the mental stimulation, the body contact. What did I not like? The expectations......Can we really have no expectations for another we are learning? Really, this person was not my friend before, not a stranger, but not a friend. How can I say I have a future plan for something such as that? There is so much unknown. I can look at what seem to be his good qualities and what seem to be his bad qualities, but qualities are fluid, like people that possess them, life changes, and the person follows suit (at least I hope, due to the importance of growth and learning). If you are enjoying time spent, wouldn't you do that until you stopped enjoying it? What kind of bullshit is, I do not want (insert you/me) to get hurt in the future. There is no future really, there is right now, especially with dating.
Well, in my own self deprecating manner (without self pity), he dumped me after a few weeks of seeing one another a lot. He told me it was because I had children and he does not. I have had at least one of those beings for more than 7 years, which is ALOT more time than I knew this person. Wait, did I neglect to tell him I had children? It made me think it was a lame excuse, something that was easier for him to say to me than I really did not like this about you. I understand children are a big deal and even in my head I had not put both parties in the same room. My dating is separate from them, or is it? There were no plans for the two parts of my life to collide. I did not say, do you want to take over responsibility for another man's children and marry me? But, being honest, these kids are not going away, ever, so even someone dating me needs to think of them. Why do people choose to ignore things for a brief respite from reality? I am guilty of it. I eventually choose to accept his reasoning though, I really have no reason to not. He has pretty much been honest, I think, since we began talking...but that presents another issue. That means he is guilty of the delusion too, ignoring reality. I realize I am wonderful and distracting, but I talk about those two more than anything else, how can they have been ignored? Then, it make sense to me that, they were not ignored, they were accepted along with me (as much as possible without actually being around them), until something else set in....fear maybe, maybe a personality trait of mine that made me less attractive as a date, ok, the layers stack up. I am not for everyone, or even for most.
He continually asked me if I was ok, all the while saying he did not want to see me anymore. I was enjoying time with him, but a man, or the prospect of one in my life makes the difference to me on a purely social level. I wanted to say, which I did not, was, my child's head is not broken anymore, she has no brain damage, my abusive relationship has ended, (add in here a list of important life changing issues) why would I EVER not be ok? Maybe without him sharing the life perspective I have, he somehow thought I would fall apart a little (because I am a bit crazy, go crazy on him or something). And really, once he stops being interested in me, does he not give up the right to know how I feel and if I am "ok"? I did get a little pissed, rejection sucks, really, no matter what, but when things get thought through, really what have I lost???? Potential fun, a person to enjoy time with, a sex partner...not much in the grand scheme of life (not to make it seem like he is not much as a person, that is not kind, and I did not like everything about him, but did like some about him also, just not enough one way or the other to make a judgment call this soon).
I refuse to be ruled by fear in the area of relationships. That is what I learned from this experience. I had a fun time, I will not cut myself off from the adult area of my life just in case something is going to happen. I will also continue to put myself out there, all of it, good and bad. I think that is important. Sometimes I have considered my warts and all approach to be detrimental, but have thought about it again, and decided, that is not so. It will take an amazing person to accept me and for me to want to accept also. The life circumstances I find myself in have shaped me and will continue too. I chose not to date because of the difficulties, now I realize, those are difficulties set up by me and I have the ability to recognize, confront, and move past. All in all, a fairly good experience to get myself open to the possibility of love and to continue living in a spirit of generosity that I have come to view as almost important as any other quality a human possesses. I know it may sound like I have gone completely over the bend, but maybe, just maybe, I should remove the nevers from my life I put there. I will never remarry, I will never have children (ok, I am still fairly certain on that never), I will never put up with certain things....blah, blah, blah
There are two sides to every story, but unfortunately most of the time we only have one and then our limited imagination and intellect for the others.

So, I we waste our time, deluding

There are no real easy answers, just insights, I should have stopped seeing him when I realized there was no way I could ever set my bottom down in his filthy bath tub. That is the most important part of a house. Hindsight.....

Saturday, August 09, 2008

I Am

I am everything I am supposed to be. It is difficult to begin writing after being away for such a length of time. I have taken to reading instead of writing.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gone and Done It

Well my friends, I have finally done it. As of this morning around 9.30, I obtained myself a divorce. Bittersweet is one of the words that come to mind. I really wish my husband, who was on the bend when I met him, had chosen not to go around it, but we can not all have what we want.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I know the best people, I really do and it fills my soul up. Grazie.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Self Help

My mom is back in town visiting. I am happy about that. She came at 7 am on Friday to get both of my kids and bring them to my sister's house for the weekend. This 1) provided child care for Molly why I taught without me having to ask friends or run around my entire half hour lunch break, and 2) got a day of rest for me, and 3) the kids are playing in the pool and spa with their four cousins and Grandma. This is a good thing all the way around.
My Mom, when she came, dropped me off a new book. This is not unusual for her, she brings me books every time. She helps me feed what she feels is a healthy obsession. She will be gone before it manifests itself as piles and stacks of dirty books filling my cramped apartment tot he point where there is only a narrow walkway through each room to pass through. This could be seen as beneficial though, as the books would stack to the ceiling so there would be no room for an old lady to fall and break her hip, the books support her walking. The abundance of silver fish that all of the beautiful expressive pages would bring would suck though. Those things are so gross.
Anyway....the book is called The Power of Now. The title implies a good concept, the back cover explains the book as powerful, phenomenal, and radically life changing. Whoa...slow down, I read life changing and immediately my mind put the book low down in my stacks. I have had a fricken enough life changing in the past few months.

*****I just got back to writing. I went ot say hi to my mail lady friend. When I came back into the house I looked up at our eaves and saw about 25 huge black spiders sunning themselves right above where I sit. My skin is still sort of crawling. I got out the old dyson(I love that thing) and sucked those bastards up. I like living things, just not living spiders on my house, in my house, around my house.

Back to my original post:

I want to adjust well to my changes before embarking on any other personal growth that could possible cause a shift in thinking or living. Let a girl get adjusted to ten things at a time before she adds one more. I bet it is a great book with many positive things, but positive things come with emotional intensity too. I need lower emotional intensity in my life not more at the moment.
Thanks Mom, I will put it under Lady Oracle (my pleasure read by Margaret Atwood), Women Who Run With Wolves (my positive, strength, intuition reinforcing book), Women On Top (my erotic for the usual reasons that accompany a book such as that), and Soul Mates (my thrift store buy regarding understanding relationships in your life, which I have looked at once). Lady Oracle and Women on Top are the most used. The other two take a special mindset to read and take in and I am previously occupied right now.

I am going to sit on my newly vacuumed porch in the sun and read some real stimulating material, People magazine, nothing like mindless entertainment sometimes. I am bringing lemonade too and my cloves, such sweet and relaxing pleasure.